By Gertrude Onyekachukwu-Uteh:
Peter Oghenewewaire is an OND holder; he studied Science Laboratory Technology. He could not continue with his education due to poor funding. In order to survive he began cassava and maize farming, and at the same time enrolled as an apprentice to acquire a skill in fashion design. Help came his way when he enrolled into the Delta State Youth Agricultural Entrepreneurs Programme (YAGEP) in the 2019/2020 Cycle as a Brown YAGEPreneur. Hear him.
“The support package for cassava farmers was good. It was very helpful to me because at the point I received it, I was hopeless and helpless. It marked a new beginning for me and my family.
“The first thing I did was to expand the land. I got a 400 X 100 plot of land on lease which increased my output. From the sales of cassava, I bought a sewing machine for my fashion business and contribute my quota to the upkeep of my family. I shall continue with it while running my fashion business.”