It is both appalling and shameful that a professor, a supposed custodian of truth and intellectual integrity, would lend his voice to such a baseless and malicious publication signed off by a faceless group. Instead of using his esteemed position to advocate for the collective development of the Ndokwa people, he has chosen to align with misinformation and falsehoods, a shameful way to start the year, driven by personal gain and self-interest.
Senator Prince Ned Munir Nwoko is tirelessly fighting for the realization of a long-overdue step-down power project that will bring light and development to the Ndokwa region. This project, delayed for over two decades, represents a beacon of hope for our people. Instead of rallying behind this transformative effort, the professor has shamefully opted to undermine it with false narratives, all in a bid to please his benefactors and secure personal satisfaction.
The allegation that Senator Nwoko is attempting to relocate the substation project to his “native axis” is a fabrication devoid of any evidence. It is nothing more than an attempt to politicize a developmental initiative that holds immense promise for the Ndokwa people. Such falsehoods serve only to derail progress and perpetuate the neglect that our region has endured for far too long.
The professor, as well as the faceless group behind this smear campaign, must be ready to substantiate their claims with concrete evidence. Failure to do so will expose them to the legal and reputational consequences of peddling lies and slander. The Ndokwa people deserve progress, not distractions borne out of selfish interests.
Senator Ned Nwoko’s unwavering commitment to ensuring this project’s success is a rare opportunity for the Ndokwa region to gain access to much-needed electricity and economic empowerment. His fight is a fight for all Ndokwa people, and no amount of baseless accusations can derail this noble cause.
We urge the professor to abandon this divisive path and join hands in supporting initiatives that uplift our people. History will not be kind to those who, in their pursuit of personal gain, attempt to sabotage the collective progress of their community.

- Signed,
Hon. Gloria Okolugbo
Director of Communications
Office of Distinguished Senator Prince Ned Munir Nwoko