One of the very young but pin-point with his prophecies in the country is Warri-based seer, Pastor Isaiah Ogedegbe who has come up with new peeps into the immediate future highlighting 10 things that God told him will happen in 2017.
According to him, “in 2017, His Excellency, President Muhammadu Buhari will face a hard time while trying to cause a positive change in the economy of Nigeria through his policies. “Some big men in government will try to distract the President of Nigeria from doing what will make Nigeria a great nation.
He urged the people of the nation to “pray that God will give the President of Nigeria good health to continue in office. Cheery news is that in 2017, the people should “pray that the price of fuel will not increase in the country.”
His words: “In 2017, Nigerians will complain that there is inflation in the country. In 2017, pray for peace in the country between the North and the South because I see a contention between the North and the South.
“In 2017, I hear Nigerians saying that the country should be divided. I urge the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) and the Pentecostal Fellowship of Nigeria (PFN) to pray for the country to remain as one.
The nation’s tormentor-in-chief, the Niger Delta Avengers will bomb pipelines in Nigeria”
In an assuring tone, the seer said, “in 2017, soldiers will be sent into the Niger Delta region by the Federal Government. There will be unrest in the South. In 2017, some insurgents will be arrested by the Nigerian military.
Source: Warri Times
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E.I.C: Albert Eruorhe Ograka

NB – Pastor Isaiah Oghenevwegba Ogedegbe of http://www.warritimes.wordpress.com is the Editor, Warri Times. Please contact him on phone: 08134836494 or +2348134836494.
Can’t u give us goodnews 4 2017. b/c, ur prediction isn’t favourable 2 masses?
Omole, should the masses be told what they want to hear or what God wants them to hear?
I am Pastor Isaiah Ogedegbe, the Warri-based seer whose prophecies were stolen by “Prophet” Emmanuel Ejembi Ameh of Kano State. If you click on these links http://www.blanknewsonline.wordpress.com/2016/07/25/prophesy-buhari-will-be-distracted-in-2017-but-pray-for-him-ogedengbe and http://www.nigerianewswatch.com/2016/12/great-2017-prophecies-by-prophet.html?m=1 now, you will discover that Emmanuel’s prophecies number 2, 3, 5, 8, 9, 16, 18, 19 & 20 were first published by me in July 2016 and republished by Emmanuel in December 2016. This is a clear indication that Emmanuel Ejembi Ameh is not a prophet, but a spiritual thief who picks prophecies from different prophets, compiles them and publishes them as his own.
The great journalist, here is another link where my prophecies were first republished by Emmanuel at http://www.kevindjakporblog.com/2016/12/great-2017-prophecies-by-prophet.html?m=1