Civil servants are the machinery that keeps the government going smoothly. They are the work force of the Government. Without Civil Servant the Government will be at stand still and the economy will crumble. They are the variables of any political appointees. The pivot from where they take off (necessary and vital information’s). For one to have served for over 30 years meritoriously as a Civil Servant and retired, will no doubt perform, extremely well if elected a Governor.

As you we are now of the new era of rotation, it is the turn of retired Civil Servants to come on board. There is enough for everyone’s need, but not for everybody’s greed.
The Military only came to loot, steal and mis-manage our resources because they are trained to kill and not to rule. The politicians have also failed the nation by enriching themselves selfishly at the expense of the masses. The masses became impoverish instead of being better off. They are supposed to be the Chief Servant of the Masses instead they became the Boss. I once wrote in one of my articles that workers can rule the world successfully, if they dare.
Business Men on the other hand are the force that keeps the economy of the country going. If any successful business man comes out to contest, they should also be considered provided they have not made their money from politics. More so, he must be a philanthropist who must have empowered the masses one way or the other by teaching them how to fish and not giving them fish.

When politicians come to power, the first thing they do is to recover the money they spent in the election, Secondly, they enrich themselves. Thirdly, they remember the masses only on selective basis, therefore making some people rich and some people poor. This attitude gave birth to the following negative vices: – Killer assassins, Kidnappers, Robbery, House Breaking, importation of arms, and intimidation of the masses. They play politics of violence, instead of politics of conviction. Forgetting the facts that “Thousands of candles can be lit from a single candle and the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared.
‘0’ begins any number from where other things take off and ends in infinity. So therefore, the Governor to be must have ‘0’ in his first name and ‘0’ in his surname. It is a marriage of solidarity and success. He must also come from a Local Government Area that has not produced a Governor or Acting Governor.
So therefore, we should look for any retired Civil servant with these identities to be the Governor of the state. That is my prediction as an Ordained Servant of God.
His Excellency, Chief James Onanefe Ibori though a successful business man has this identity. He came into politics with his hard earned money. Spent it to make sure he became the Governor. So business men have been tested.
It is now the turn of the Retired Civil Servant to have their slot based on the zoning system:- Military, Politicians, then now the Retired Civil Servants.
The present Governor, His Excellency, Dr. Emmanuel Eweta Uduaghan should please support any civil Servant who come out to play politics for continuity of the laid down solid structure, which Civil Servants are part off it’s success. Diligence is the mother of good fortune.

At this point, I now call on Nigerian work force (Nigeria Labour Congress, Nigeria Medical Association, Union of Nurses and Midwifery, National Association of Nigerian Students, Academic Staff Union of Universities, Polytechnic and College Of Education. Also Administrative Staff Union of Universities and Polytechnics and College of Education e.t.c.) To rally round for a common goal which is their STOMACH/WELFARE and support one of their own- Retired Civil Servant who will be a Good and Chief Servant of the people. There is more in us than we know, if we be made to see it, perhaps, for the rest of our lives, we will be unwilling to settle for less.
They should immediately organize rally to dismantle all the solid political structures they put in place for their selfish interest and not the interest of the masses. These selfish structures are laid down by politicians for them to become lord on the people by appointing only their faithful ones in various political offices. That is why they must be dismantled their negative structures for us to have free, fair and justified primaries in order to select who will represent the people during elections and eventually vote for them. If the workers fail to dismantle this dragon, their effort will just be in vain and the masses will suffer. This should be done not by violence but by Power of Conviction. People should be made to serve only twice as Political Appointees, in order to avoid the resurfacing of this dangerous Dragon called Political Structure.
They should remember that opportunity comes but once. If they let it go, it will never come to them again. Workers solidarity is the answer of our suffering .Workers power ‘Power’ ‘Jesus Power’ ‘Power’. My sheep listen to my voice, I know then, and they follow me. John 10:27.
The president of the country His Excellency, Ebele Goodluck Jonathan has double ‘0’ in his first name and ‘O’ in his surname as such, will surely leave a strong legacy if he completes his 8 years tenure. Bear in mind that he has three ‘0’s in his name. Toil and Risk are the price of glory, but it is a lovely thing to live with courage and die leaving an everlasting fame – Alexander the Great.

May God give us the Knowledge and Wisdom to do what is right at all times, In Jesus name, Amen. With me are riches and honor, enduring wealth and prosperity. Proverb 8:18. Transformation occurs only which existing solutions assumed truth and past decisions are exposed as unrealistic and self defeating. For we are God’s hand work, created in Christ Jesus to do good work, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Eph. 7:10.
Faith, Trust and Believe are the birds that feel the light and sing when the dawn is still dark. Workers, both public sector and private sector should unite now and be courageous.
The time is now ! Please I will leave with you in my peace I will give you, I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your heart be troubled and do not be afraid. Jn 14:27.
>>Part 4 of the series of “Moment of Truth for Peace” -By Rev. Ken. Nwani will come out next year 2015, before the election.
Email: hoperestorationwithjesus@gmail.com
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