Former Ward 9 Chairman of PDP  Akugbene in Bomadi LGA, Freetown Zinebofikomo Mourns sister

By Harrison  Akamule 

“If there was an area of life that God exerted His Sovereignty is death. How could my younger sister Late Deaconess Veronica Atekene-ere Esuru pass on to glory just like that without given her siblings and Children notice of departure from the earth. God, indeed You are Almighty and no one can question you “

Mr Freetown Zinebofekomo, People Democratic Party fateful made the above emotional statement during the interment of his younger sister late Deaconess Veronica Atekene-ere Esuru at Akugbene Community, Bomadi Local Government Area, Delta State.

Mr Freetown said he was bothered and burdened since her demise because of their closeness and leaving behind four under age Children at such a time the role of mother is most important to the development and growth of children.

The former nine years  Ward nine Chairman of PDP  Akugbene Community in Bomadi LGA noted that though no one questions God’s authority, would He not sometimes considered the Children and loved ones? 

He therefore appealed to the three tiers of Governments to come up with policy on how orphans and widowers are being treated with high esteem in their social welfare schemes.

Mr Freetown thanked all those who have been of great support to the success of the funeral rites of his younger sister  late Atekene-ere Esuru.

Also commenting on the death of Deaconess Atekene-ere Esuru, her first son Master Gift Esuru said he and his siblings were very close to their mother. He stated that his mother always advised them to be serious with their education , be humble, have the fear of God, respect elders and love themselves.

Master Gift noted that his mother cautioned that they should not keep bad friends , saying how can they fulfill the good advice of hers now that she is no more to talk and guide them?

Earlier Pastor Pius Okpodu from Life OverComers Ministry, Bomadi Overside who ministered on behalf of the Bishop of the Ministry Bishop Dr. Orubu Mathew were late Deaconess Esuru was worshiping tittle his message The Judgment taking from the book of Hebrews 9:27 And just as each person is destined to die once and after that comes judgment. According to him there will be judgement for everyone after death, and before judgement, there will be trial.

Pastor Okpodu pointed out that until her death, Deaconess Atekene-ere Esuru has been regular at various Church programme and a contributor to the general development of the Church. He added that she was loyal to both young and old.

He noted that she took greetings as an hobby throughout her life time.

-Forth from right, Mr Freetown Zinebofikomo flanked by the four  Children of his deceased younger sister on white attire, his siblings and his Children. Taking during the funeral rites of his sister, Late Deaconess Veronica Atekene-ere Esuru at Akugbene Community, Bomadi LGA, Delta State. Pix l Harrison Akamule

News Reporter
Blank NEWS Online founding Editor-in-Chief and Publisher, Albert Eruorhe Ograka, is a Graduate of Mass Communication. He also holds a Post Graduate Diploma (PGD) in Journalism from the International Institute of Journalism (IIJ).

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